We Took The Red Pill

Wow, you’ve got balls !

When we tell people (well, mostly I tell … ) about our plans to go out of the matrix , most of the responses are “Wow, you’ve got balls !”, plus a wondering look.
And there is a subtext, of course, saying “Wow, you’re out of your mind ! ” And – “I’m green with envy and find it hard to contain it ” and ” My husband/wife would never go along with me doing it” and ” you went a little too far, didn’t you !?”.
I refer to these subtexts as inner voices inside of me, inside of us, that people around us simply echo out loud allowing us to hear them. Talk to them. And then carry on.
It is somewhat similar to the response of people after they hear I gave birth to our middle one at home, and were prepared to do the same also with the little one. Almost always the response of people to home birth is “Wow, they’ve got balls”. There’s always the subtext, and I always think to myself – Balls ? You don’t need balls to give birth at home ! On the contrary ! You need to be brave to give birth in a hospital. You’re brave , not me !
So it’s quite similar. Because basically , after realizing the terrible system in which we live in , and after experiencing what it’s like to eat the cake and leave it whole , it requires a lot of courage to stay there, eyes wide open. Hard labor for life without parole. It’s almost unbearable.
You do not need that much courage when you understand that it is possible. Not only is it possible , it’s also cool.