We Took The Red Pill

About the tiny and sexy details of the runway

The runway, says my writing teacher, is very important by itself. Not only as a mean to take off.
This track has practical aspects. We will talk about them. There are emotional and spiritual aspects, of course.
From practical aspects, one cannot talk about leaving the Matrix without talking about the Matrix itself. I want to give a lot of credit, and then later I have a feeling this credit will only increase, to the sweet woman Haleli Abramovich. I know her mostly through mutual friends, and her site of which I have been digging in for the last two years, since she and her husband Zvika packed the children and moved to live the world.

I came across Haleli’s website so many times before. Each time I read it, at least one article made me weep and sometimes even sob, making voices and nose wiping. I fealt I was pulled in by subtle but very powerful strings to the experience that Haleli describes in her site. That is in very practical words but always ones that touches me deeply.
Now we are thinking about contacting her directly and get the service she offers of personal support to people who have decided to do it. Not yet done, but marked a note for ourselves to do it, which joined many additional notes. Slowly but surely we will reach everyoneof them. I’ll keep you posted.

In the meantime, The One is building this site. Once a day he mutters to himself “Fuck. Why on earth is the RTL text alignment still not working”. Such sentences that I, as someone who shares life with him for a long time, know when I hear them, he will find solutions to all. The man and the deep digging.

He also takes courses in forex, online. A few days ago he announced that he rested for a bit and concentrate on matters of the site. He is not yet sure about it. He says that even though they say “it’s really not a casino”, he is still not completely convinced of it. I trust him to be careful and I trust myself that I know to encourage whenever needed. It’s part of our marital contract, and it works.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the double bed, in another laptop, I carefully read this manual by haleli – “how to make more money from the site you already have”. And I already have. A well-known and well-established in its field. It occurs to me while reading Haleli’s manual that ideas of how to do more with it have already been lying in my mind for a while waiting for a trigger to wake them up.
It is definitely possible to make more money from my site. It can be done ethically and without damaging my professional standards. Moreover, it is certainly possible to make money from my site without or almost without doing any dramatic changes.

So that`s what I’m working on now – affiliation programs, knowledge products, pay – per – click and more.
Creating affiliate programs requires a lot of preparation work. Choosing the right plan for me, to start with. By definition, I will not do an affiliate program with a product that I do not consider as less than great, that’s for sure. But the program itself should also fit, like paying a compensation worth working for , offer a discount to my visitors. I need an effective program that actually produce good benefits for all sides involved (provider – client – me) and of course – working on a technology platform that does not require paperwork from me on an on-going basis. Or else, what’s the whole point?
For example, there is that one product that I really believe in, and I used to recommend it for years. Once I turned to authorized resellers in Israel offering to setup together an affiliate program, it proved two things unfortunate – One, authorized resellers of these are cheap and uncool, not willing to discount web users and pay a fee so poor that I do not have any desire to work for it, even if the investment is allegedly a one-time investment (and bottom line, between us, it never is. There will always be more things coming up on the way) . And second, they do not have a suitable technology platform and everything works like in the ’90s, with manual monthly reports and all kinds of nonsense. So there you have a product which is great but I will probably never work with it again. Shame.
However, I have some contacts with companies that have great products and probably better marketing understanding and the right technology. I’ll update how it progresses.

At the same time I also met Amir, the programmer of my site, and I’ve been waiting a week for a quote to make the changes in my website to promote affiliate programs, my knowledge products and the “pay-per-click” I want to implement on the site. If I do not hear from him within a week I shall consider my steps. Perhaps I will publish a public petition (Amiros, come on, make my quote !!) , or say find another programmer. Minor things, you know… Like my character.

This all sounds very practical. Yes, this journey has considerable practical aspects, but what’s interesting is that all up to the smallest tiniest ones, raise intensity of emotions, constantly, with changing intensities.
Even planning the redesign of my site that these changes would require raises fears not to say anxiety. Fear of commercialization.of What will people say about me as a professional, and why the hell it’s so unsexy to make a living from your keyboard. Dealing with lots of small details from one side came natural to me and on the other hand constantly raises concerns, discouragement, exhaustion, lack of air. Why can’t I just go to the plane and enjoy ?